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China an important partner to Africa’s energy transition: Zambian expert

Johnstone Chikwanda, chairman of the Energy Institute of Zambia speaks during an interview with Xinhua in Lusaka, Zambia on Aug. 20, 2024. (Photo by Martin Mbangweta/Xinhua)
LUSAKA, Aug. 21 (Xinhua) — China, as a leader in the green energy revolution, is an important partner to Zambia and Africa’s energy transition, an energy expert said here Tuesday.
Zambia and other African countries have benefited from China’s support in green energy, said Johnstone Chikwanda, chairman of the Energy Institute of Zambia.
Africa has a lot to learn from how China has managed to navigate and implement green energy projects, including the development of the electrical vehicle industry, he added.
In particular, African countries will need China’s help to meet the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goal of providing universal access to clean, affordable and sustainable energy for all by 2030, the expert said.
